Thursday, 24 June 2010

green painting explained

I am the perenial student of art. My training and vocation, is art. I like the callback to the tradional art of draughtmanship, line and form. I have used five components in the formula for this green painting. I find the painting soporific, in that it draws out the pain in you. Also, it has health giving, healing properties. but also it is like an aquarium or a busy river bed. the five components are;
1)the background underwater.
2) the mermaids and lizard, made of pearl barley, and roses chocolate wrappers, one xmas 2006.
3)the advertisements for produce, all in the colour green, mostly bought from spar in uplands.
These were done to frame the first two (underater scene with fish and mermaids.)
4) next came the woollen, knitted seaweed and fish. i bought the wool from sewers world, swansea in 2004. Its a purple twill with pink bits, i also used other colours, knitted in objectionally.
5) and finally the frame, to draw it all in. I paid £42 to have it framed.I had it done in gallery 28 in brynmill/uplands/swansea.

All in all the piece took me five years to complete. Its something I treasure, and if I were to sell it, it would not be at less than £300.